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OMSD Journal

The OMSD Journal is published approx. 2 times a year.

See a list of content here

OMSD Books

OMSD has published several books with content related to orders and medals.

See a list of the books here

OMSD Publishing

Ordenshistorisk Forlag is a publisher who - independent from OMSD - publishes books about orders and medals.

See the list of books here

Society info

Ordenshistorisk Selskab
Grønnevang 17
DK-2970 Hørsholm
CVR: 14401482

Members of the board
President Vice president
Sven Philip Jørgensen
Sven Philip
Jan René Westh
Jan René Westh
Treasurer Member
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Stevnsborg
Lars Stevnsborg
Webmaster Substitute
Michael Rindsig
Michael Rindsig
Anders Vidstrup
Anders Vidstrup
OMSD Collection
Jan René Westh
Jan René Westh

Welcome to the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark

The Orders and Medals Society of Denmark (OMSD) was founded on 27. april 1966 with the purpose of promoting the study of the history of orders and medals on a broad scale.

Through the OMSD Journal, meeting activities, travels, excursions and exhibitions, the Society seek to spread the knowledge of the cultural significance of orders.

The Society maintains the OMSD Collection, which contains orders, medals, award documents etc. The objects have been added to the collection as gifts or by purchase. The collection is available for use in studies or exhibitions.

The history of the Society

The Orders and Medals Society of Denmark was founded on the 27. April 1966 with the purpose of promoting the study of the history of orders and medals on a broad scale. It is attempted to fulfill this purpose by arranging meetings with lectures, exhibitions and by publishing.

From a modest start the Society has proved its eligibility with an increasing no. of members and by publishing significant contributions to the history of orders and medals.

In 1977 the Society founded the OMSD Collection as an attempt to create a permanent collection of orders and medals for use in studies or exhibitions. The collection contains orders, medals, decorations, award documents etc., purchased by the Society or donated as gifts or through inheritance.

In 1978 the Society had the great pleasure of having His Royal Highness The Prince Consort as patron of the Society and the OMSD Collection.

Over the years the Society has built a wide international network with similar societies in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Austria and USA. The Society also has several foreign members.

The Society seeks to arrange 8 meetings per year - usually at the Tøjhusmuseet or Kastellet in Copenhagen, but it can also be in the form of museum visits or similar. As an example the Society in 2002 visited Den Kongelige Mønt (The Royal Mint) to learn about medal production. One of the yearly activities is a socalled mini-convention, where members with exhibitions from their own collection can compete for a prize.

The more externally visible activities of the Society is primarily the exhibitions and publishings.

To celebrate its 10 years and 25 years anniversary, the Society arranged comprehensive exhibitions in cooperation with Tøjhusmuseet. The latter exhibition was the until then largest exhibition of its type in Denmark and was a great success with more than 14.000 visitors. The 10 years anniversary was celebrated with an exhibition of the OMSD Collection in Erichsens Palæ in Copenhagen.

The Society has arranged and participated in exhibitions, e.g. in relation to state visits in Denmark. The latest exhibition took place in the french embassy i Copenhagen in connection with the bicentennial of the institution of the french Legion d'honneur.

The publishing activities varies from the OMSD Journal to books primarily about danish orders and medals. The Journal has recently had a facelift and it is anticipated that it will be a more attractive frame for articles from the members.

Publishing books is only possible with economical support from funds, and although this is sometimes a difficult task, the Society has published a no. of books.