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OMSD Journal

The OMSD Journal is published approx. 2 times a year.

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OMSD Books

OMSD has published several books with content related to orders and medals.

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OMSD Publishing

Ordenshistorisk Forlag is a publisher who - independent from OMSD - publishes books about orders and medals.

See the list of books here

Order journals
Order journals

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Journal no. 60   -70 DKK
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Journal no. 58   -70 DKK
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Journal no. 56   -70 DKK
Journal no. 55   -70 DKK
Journal no. 54   -70 DKK
Journal no. 53   -70 DKK
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Journal no. 47   -120 DKK
Journal no. 46   -70 DKK
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Journal no. 44   -70 DKK
Journal no. 43   -40 DKK
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Journal no. 37   -40 DKK
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Journal no. 35   -40 DKK
Journal no. 34   -40 DKK
Journal no. 33   -40 DKK
Journal no. 32   -40 DKK
Journal no. 31   -120 DKK
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Journal no. 27   -120 DKK
Journal no. 26   -40 DKK
Journal no. 25   -40 DKK

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OMSD Journal
Michael Rindsig
Michael Rindsig

OMSD Journal

OMSD Journal, 2024 (61)
En dansk legionær i Indokina og Algeriet
A Danish legionnaire in Indochina and Algeria
By Jan René Westh
Forsvarets medaljer – et supplement
The medals of the Danish Defence - a supplement
By Lars Stevnsborg
Eiler Pontoppidan – en finlandsfrivillig, med en sørgelig/hård skæbne
Eiler Pontoppidan - a Finland volunteer with a sad/hard fate
By Jens Bruhn

OMSD Journal, 2023 (60)
Ny epoke i et hjørne af ordenshistorien
New chapter in a corner of phaleristics
En miniatyrgruppes hemmeligheter
The secrets of a miniature group
By Kristian Strømsnes
Hædersmedaljen til Söe-limit Christen Nielsen Börsmose
The medal to sailor Christen Nielsen Börsmose
By Sven Philip Jørgensen
En fransk passepartoutmedalje ”Til vore sårede” 1914-1919
A French 'Passepartout' medal "To our wounded" 1914-1919
By Jan René Westh
Om tildelingsdokumenter
Award documents
By Jens Bruhn

OMSD Journal, 2023 (59)
Udenlandske ordener til danske officerer efter stormen på Stralsund 1809
Foreign orders to Danish officers after the battle of Stralsund 1809
By Jan René Westh
"En flittig og stræbsom mand, en pryd for sit hjem of for sin stand" - Handskemagermester Hans Nicolai Lander, F.M. (1821-1903)
"A diligent and striving man, a patron saint of his home and his trade" - Master glove maker Hans Nicolai Lander, F.M. (1821-1903)
By Lars Stevnsborg
Et dansk ridderkors til Nemo I
A Danish knight cross to Nemo I
By Kristian Bruhn & Jan René Westh
Ordensfesterne - og fire indgangsbilletter eller historien bag fire indgangsbilletter
The orders' feasts - and four admission tickets or the story behind four admission tickets
By Anders Vidstrup

OMSD Journal, 2022 (58)
FINLAND - Danske frivillige i Finlandskrigene
FINLAND - Danish volunteers in the Finnish wars
By Sven Philip Jørgensen
Indledning - Dansk-finsk ordenshistorie
Introduction - Danish-Finnish order history
By Jan René Westh
Rigsforstander Mannerheim i København 1919
Regent of Finland, Mannerheim in Copenhagen 1919
By Jan René Westh
Humanitær bistand - Danske læger og sygeplejersker i Finlandskrigene
Humanitarian aid - Danish doctors and nurses in the Finnish wars
By Sven Philip Jørgensen
Militær bistand - Danske frivillige i Finland
Military aid - Danish volunteers in Finland
By Lars Stevnsborg & Poul Nikolajsen
Dekorationer tildelt danske frivillige i Finlandskrigene
Decorations awarded to Danish volunteers in the Finnish wars
By Lars Stevnsborg & Poul Nikolajsen

OMSD Journal, 2021 (57)
”Prydet med Medaillen for ædel Daad” - Det gode skib PROVIDENTIA af Porsgrunns stranding og forlis ved Harboøre i 1825
"Adorned with the Medal for Noble Deeds" - The stranding and sinking of the good ship PROVIDENTIA of Porsgrunn off Harboøre in 1825
By Lars Stevnsborg
Dansk støtte til Frankrig under den fransk-tyske krig 1870-1871
Danish support for France during the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871
By Kristian Bruhn & Jan René Westh
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